Carly and Adam are Married in Jamestown, NY

March 04, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Carly and Adam were married back in October of last year.  I realize I'm a little late in getting this posted but I still wanted to because it was such a great day.

You may remember Carly and Adam from their engagement session earlier last year.

The wedding day started out with my daughter Emily and me meeting up with the ladies at Dorian's Plus for hair and make-up.  Carly and Adam's moms were there too.  Hair and make-up might seem a little boring to someone from outside but it's a great time for everyone to relax, have a few snacks and just have a lot of fun together.

After the ladies were done we hustled over to the reception venue (a cool old train station) to see how the decorating was going and to get a few shots, only to find we weren't alone.  There just happened to be a few thousand people hanging out by the train station.

The wedding and reception were taking place in Jamestown, NY and for those that may not know,  Jamestown just happens to be the hometown of one Lucille Ball.  Yup, that Lucille Ball.  Jamestown does a great job of keeping Lucy's memory alive with a museum and lots of Lucy events throughout the year.  Today just happened to be the day for the Lucy half marathon and an attempt to break the word record for grape stomping.  I knew these events were happening the day of the wedding I just didn't realize that the grape stomping was taking place right by the train station.  I'm not sure I can put into words what an attempt at a world record grape stomping event looks like.  They literally closed off half the street by the train station and filled it with grapes.  60 tons of grapes.  Yes, you read that right, 60 TONS OF GRAPES!  And then they had 1,500 people stomping on said grapes  with I don't know how many hundreds (thousands ?) watching.  There were TV news teams there and radio stations..... it was really quite the sight.  My only thought was, "how are we going to have a reception here with all of this going on?"

After the train station we ran over to a hotel where the guys were getting ready.  Carly's dad was there too and I asked him how the reception was going to work with all the grape stuff going on and he said that the city had assured him that by the time the reception was supposed to happen everything would be cleaned up.  I kind of just stared at him for a second.  "Seriously?", I said.  "They're going to get a few thousand people and 60 tons of mushed up grapes out of there in a couple of hours?"  "That's what I was told", he said.  "Okay", I thought, "well, good luck with that."

After a few shots of the guys we all headed up to the church.  The getting ready and ceremony pretty much went off without a hitch.  The only issue happened when the moms were lighting the candles for the unity candle portion and the lighter was just not cooperating.  I got so mesmerized watching these poor moms endlessly clicking away the lighter that I almost forgot to take a photo.  Other than that everything else went smoothly.

After the ceremony the wedding party rode in a horse drawn wagon down to a bed and breakfast where Carly and Adam were going to stay that night.  We got a few shots there and then it was back to the train station.

When we got back to the train station, to my utter amazement, all the people and all the grapes were gone.  I couldn't believe it.  They had dispersed all those people and cleaned up 60 tons of grapes in a couple of hours.  I was thoroughly impressed and relieved.

We grabbed a few shots in back of the train station down by the tracks and then headed inside for the reception.  The reception was a lot of fun and everyone seemed to have a great time.  The food from Andriaccio's was delicious and DJ Denny Kyser had the place hopping all night.  One of the things we really liked was they had these three baskets filled with gourmet popcorn.  Delish!  Towards the end of the evening a lot of the guests went outside and lit and released Chinese lanterns.  It was really pretty.  I always wonder though, where do they end up landing?  I mean, does some guy in Canada walk out of his house in the morning and find 30 burned up Chinese lanterns in his front yard? Hmmmm, I wonder.


All in all it was a fun and eventful day.  You can see some of the photos from the day below.


Somewhere in there are 60 tons of grapes and a bunch of people with purple feet.


My daughter Emily took this one.

While I was outside getting this one.


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