Jessica and Brad Engagement Photos at Celoron Park

August 18, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

This past weekend I shot Jessica and Brad's wedding in Buffalo, which of course means I will now show you some of their engagement photos that we did a few months ago.  (Sigh...  I really have the best intentions about making these posts a little more timely.)

Anyway, we decided to meet on the shores of Chautauqua Lake in Celoron Park, which you may or may not know, is where the now infamous scary Lucy statue lives.  If you don't know what I'm talking about you can read about it and see a video here.  Jessica and Brad asked if their dog Winston could come along too and be in a few shots and I of course said that was fine.

I didn't really ask anything about Winston.  I had done another engagement session with a couple and a dog a couple of years ago and I just had that image of a dog in my head.  He was a pure white Huskie kind of a thing and was really a pretty looking dog.

When I got to the park I found Jessica and Brad and as I got closer I saw Winston.  Let's just say, Winston was not going to be pulling a sled across the Arctic any time soon.  Winston was pretty much the biggest bulldog type thing I had ever seen.  He was, and I'm not really exaggerating here, pretty much as wide as he was tall, and had the biggest tongue I've ever seen on a dog..... or elephant.  My daughter Emily, of course, immediately fell in love with him.  I know her well enough that I could tell she was already trying to figure out how she could sneak him in the van and take him home with us.

We thought it would be best to get some shots with Winston first so that he wouldn't be stuck waiting around.  (Jessica's mom was dog sitting.)  The problem with Winston was that every time I knelt down to get to his level he assumed I was down there because I wanted to play and he would promptly come trotting over to me, tongue wagging in the wind.  We were able to finally get a few shots with and of Winston and he was released to go and play with grandma.  After that the rest of the shoot went pretty smoothly, we even got one with the scary Lucy statue.  I'll have the shots from the wedding up hopefully in a couple of weeks (or three.... maybe four..,) but until then here are some of my favorites from the engagement session.



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